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A félvér kölyök (Félpengős regények)

Palladis Rt.
  • 192 oldal
  • Kötés: kemény kötés Átkötött
  • közepes állapotú antikvár könyv
  • Szállító: Weöres Antikvárium
  • Gerinc mentén végighasadt, apró külalak hibák
  • foltos

Ford.: Dr. Cavallier Józsefné - Dave Tolt was the youngest of the Tolt Brothers, a fierce clan of outlaws with jet black hair whose daring holdups surpassed even those of the James gang.Dave was only nineteen when he robbed the westbound Flyer -- but from that day on his fate was sealed.

Now he was one of the Tolts, his name on every wanted poster in the territory. From Kansas to Texas he rode the outlaw trail, pursued by angry posses, an outcast to the woman he loved, an enemy to the one friend who could save him.

The Tolts had made history holding up two trains at once. Now they were planning their greatest raid. They would hold up two banks at the same time. The Tolts rode into Burke city -- toward a gun-blazing battle that would become a legend in the West.